Thursday 28 February 2013

[Review] Tomb Raider 2013

The latest Tomb Raider game sees developer Crystal Dynamics taking on the huge burden of retelling the origins of one the most recognizable video game characters. We've all known Lara Croft as the curvy, adventurous, badass chick who spends her free time climbing ruins and reducing the Earth's endangered species population. Tomb Raider 2013 traces Lara's trial-by-fire as she evolves from a young archaeologist in her twenties, into a female Indiana Jones. Sadly, that is where the game largely fails to deliver.

Up front, Lara is depicted as an inexperienced greenhorn (or as gamers may be more familiar, a n00b). As a victim of unfortunate circumstances, she commendably sucks it up and realizes that she will have to fight to survive against all odds in a new hostile environment. However, this is portrayed in a rather jarring manner, and a transformation that could have become the underlining crux of the game is immediately rushed via a couple of disconnected cutscenes in the first half. For instance, a cutscene shows Lara's reluctance and trauma when she kills her first human being. However, literally seconds later, you are thrown into an action sequence where Lara remorselessly dispatches several armed guards without blinking.

This YouTube comment sums it up rather nicely.
Tomb Raider does have some visually impressive environments, with well constructed set pieces. There are enough moments during the game where you'd rather stand around and gaze at the scenery, rather than progress through the story. The level design really does make it seem 'dangerous', but there are some pitfalls. The game isn't quite as open-world as we'd hoped. There is a sense of freedom, but it's like there's always a clear line pointing to where you have to go. The game does allow you to go back to places you've already explored, a welcome change from previous titles. On a side note, we definitely approve of Lara's new look.

Like any other Tomb Raider in the game, you can be assured of enough gameplay involving incredible leaps, hours of cliffhanging and the occasional freerunning à la Assassin's Creed. Still, a lot of the games 'epic' moments are quicktime events where all you have to do is hit a key to do a death-defying maneuver. There are some interesting puzzles thrown in throughout the game, that often incorporate changes in the environment such as terrain or weather. Certain puzzles also require you to make use of weapons that you have found or crafted in game.

At the end of the day, the storyline doesn't do justice to such a long-standing series. Character inclusions are cliche and the dialogue is weak. Worst of all are the constant gunfights against the island's natives that keep popping up throughout the game, which get terribly repetitive.

Lara's fall from grace
If you've played previous titles and are hoping to relive those memories, you may be disappointed. The game doesn't quite hold up as well as we'd hoped.

If you aren't familiar with previous titles, you can give this one a miss.

Graphics:   ★★★★★
Storyline:   ★★★★★


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