Thursday 31 January 2013

[News] Grand Theft Auto 5 release postponed!

Earlier today, Rockstar Games made an announcement on their official website, detailing the official release date of the latest installment in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Sadly, however, the release has been pushed back to September this years from its original estimated release of spring. The official date of release is 17 September 2013, four months after the previous estimated date.

The post on the website went on to say that the delay was so that Grand Theft Auto 5 is released at the standard that it deserves.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

[Wallpaper] Dead Space 3

We're one week away from the release of the most awaited survival-horror title in 2013! Dead Space 3 will come out for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on February 5th in the US, and on February 8th in Europe. We've seen launch trailers, teasers and even got to play a little demo of what awaits Isaac Clarke this year. Now it's time for us to pick up our trusty plasma cutters and see what awaits us in the depths of space!


Monday 28 January 2013

[News] Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC comes out tomorrow!

The first Black Ops 2 DLC is here! Coming out for Xbox 360 on January 29, Revolution offers a massive amount of content, including four all-new Multiplayer maps, a new Zombies map, a new Zombies game mode, and -- for the first time in a Call of Duty game -- a brand new Multiplayer weapon. Here are the details listed below!

Friday 25 January 2013

[News] New Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance trailers

As we inch closer and closer to Metal Gear Rising's release (coming up next month), three new trailers have been released on Machinima's YouTube page, providing some great insights into different aspects of the game, namely locations, abilities and an awesome 'finishing move'. I've got all three trailers here, including a description of what I can tell from each.

This first trailer, 'Locations' shows us some of the environments that we will get to see in game, ranging from a downtown-city like area, an underground rail, a dock and even what appears to be an open highway. Definitely locations that we haven't ever encountered in previous Metal Gear titles. It will be interesting to see how elements in each surround will be incorporated into the combat, and whether it will have the same destruction quality like Battlefield 3.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

[News] Xbox 720 details leaked!

Details about the long awaited Xbox 720 have reportedly been leaked online, giving us a glimpse of just how powerful it could be.

According to, the new Xbox 720 will have eight 1.6ghz CPU cores (similar to the PS4's design), 8 GB of  RAM and a custom DirectX 11.1 class 800-Mhz graphics processor.

The new specs for the console, which has been codenamed 'Durango' are definitely impressive and on par with a high end PC, but gamers feel that it may fall short of the PS4's capabilities. As previously rumoured, the new console also uses a x6 speed Blu-ray drive and comes with a hard drive as standard.

source :

Tuesday 22 January 2013

[Top10] Video Game Weapons: Part 2

 5. Keyblade - Kingdom Hearts series

What better way to dispatch the baddies in Kindgom Heart's expansive fantasy world than to bash them with a gigantic key? Nothing, that's what. Plus this weapon comes with perks, with the ability to do wicked combos, open any lock and have Donald Duck and Goofy as your sidekicks. Also, there is absolutely no chance of you mixing this up with your car keys, considering that it's about 4 feet long.

Monday 21 January 2013

[Top10] Video Game Weapons: Part 1

Every week (or fortnight), I'll post a 'Top 10' list pertaining to some aspect of video games. These could range from anything like protagonists, antagonists, vehicles or even food. For my first list, I will start off with iconic weapons that have grown from being a series' signature to defining entire genres of video games today.
Let it be known that this list is purely my personal ranking.
Here we go with this week's 10 Ten! 
Life is full of tough decisions. This is one of them.

10. Egg - Resident Evil 4 & 5

When you're facing an onslaught of zombies all alone, you need to be resourceful and use elements in your environment to defend yourself by any means necessary. However, players in Resident Evil found that instead of valuable handgun rounds, game designers decided to leave behind chicken eggs to lob at zombies. While a thrown egg may do very little damage to an undead army, the slapstick humour of the ensuing situation is killer.

Sunday 20 January 2013

[News] Goodbye DualShock controller?

A PlayStation 4 controller concept
Rumours are afoot that Sony is going to abandon their familiar DualShock controller design for the PlayStation 4 (codenamed 'Orbis'). Sources have claimed that the newer controller will focus on biometrics and touchscreen, instead of the dual analog sticks that have been a part of Sony consoles ever since PlayStation One.

[Review] PC : Home

"Keeps you intellectually engaged even when you aren't playing it." - Gamespot

Here's a rather interesting little horror indie game that's perfect if you've got a couple of hours to kill on a dark spooky night. Unlike any other horror game, Home is a side-scrolling game that features no interactive NPCs or mobs.You assume the role of a man who finds himself in a mysterious house and cannot recollect how he ended up there. The story basically follows the man retracing his steps, trying to piece together the events of the night. (Think the Hangover movies with a little pixelated blood)

[Wallpaper] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Every week, I will post a wallpaper pertaining to current news, upcoming releases or anniversaries.

This week's wallpaper, depicting Raiden from the Metal Gear series comes exactly a month ahead of the latest installment's release. Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance has been a long awaited title for years now, and fans are anxiously waiting to see if the paradigm shift from the series' classic sneaking style to a slice-n-dice rampage as shown in trailers will be a deal breaker.

Source :
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance releases February 19, 2013 for the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Saturday 19 January 2013

[News] Skyrim DLCs coming soon!

After long delays, Bethesda has finally revealed that the Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLCs for The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim will finally arrive for the PlayStation 3 next month.

Bethesda president Pete Hines tweeted that all the DLCs arrive on Sony's console next month while the Dragonborn DLC will be out for PC in the first week. The PS3 DLC will be awailable at a 50% discount during the first week (probably Bethesda's way of saying, "sorry we took so long").

[Review] GBA : Dragon Ball Z - Legacy of Goku 2

After Dragon Ball Z - Legacy of Goku 2 was released in 2002 by Webfoot, a lot of people were wondering if the gameplay advance was the right fit for the series. The prequel was a rather forgettable RPG title that was short, irritating and unrewarding. However, Webfoot seemed to have learned from their mistakes, and they developed probably one of the top 10 games on the GameBoy Advance.

Events in LOG 2 take off right after the prequel, while the game itself manages to retain a certain amount of familiarity with the earlier title. The storyline follows the 'Cell Games saga' of the Dragon Ball Z universe and at many moments in the game, I was reminded of scenes from the television series. For those of you who haven't watched the series, I would go as far as to say the video game is an astonishingly accurate recreation, with even certain soundtracks from the show being transcribed for the GBA. There are plenty of scenes in the game where certain dialogues are said at key moments, making you feel like you're watching an episode.

[Review] GBA : Golden Sun

Often described as 'the greatest GameBoy Advance game ever released', Golden Sun is a turn-based fantasy RPG released in November 2001 by Camelot. When I played Golden Sun around 7 years ago, I was completely blown away by its engrossing storyline. Perhaps one of the most compelling tales ever told on a GameBoy cart, Golden Sun follows the journey of a young boy who seeks to prevent a mysterious group from unleashing the power of alchemy onto the world, thereby rendering it unstable. He is joined by a childhood friend and 2 other companions that they meet along the way. Each of the 4 represent and possess magical abilities pertaining to the four elements, namely Earth, Fire, Wind and Water. 

A fresh start!

Welcome to my new site! Here, I hope to explore one of my passions: the undulating world of gaming. Regardless of genre or console, here I will post regular content pertaining to news, reviews or just stuff that I think is relevant. You may see anything, ranging from comics, wallpapers and clips that I find interesting. Hopefully, you will too.

Maybe this could even turn into something someday. Till then, game on! :)