Tuesday 22 January 2013

[Top10] Video Game Weapons: Part 2

 5. Keyblade - Kingdom Hearts series

What better way to dispatch the baddies in Kindgom Heart's expansive fantasy world than to bash them with a gigantic key? Nothing, that's what. Plus this weapon comes with perks, with the ability to do wicked combos, open any lock and have Donald Duck and Goofy as your sidekicks. Also, there is absolutely no chance of you mixing this up with your car keys, considering that it's about 4 feet long.

4. Dual pistols - Tomb Raider series

Let's admit it. We all have a soft spot for Lara Croft's guns (and I'm not talking about her dual pistols) Over the years, Lara has become hotter
( >dem polygons) and has faced tougher enemies. However, she never seems to run out of ammo for her super-accurate pistols.

Tigers, bears, crows, panthers, crocodiles, giant spiders, bats, rats, spiders, sharks, skeletons, lizards, A FRICKIN' KRAKEN, humans, a T-Rex and a helicopter, among other things.

3. Plasma cutter - Dead Space series

The perfect tool for deep space mining tearing through limbs when conventional weapons are a little hard to come by. The plasma cutter is probably one of the most ingenious weapons ever used by the protagonist of a video game series. Luke Skywalker had his lightsaber, Dirty Harry had his .44 Magnum. Isaac Clark has his plasma cutter. Two firing mode, depending on whether you want to split your enemy down the spine or across the waist.

2. Knife - Any Call of Duty game to have ever existed

No description required here.
The fist of DEATH.

Bustin' headcrabs since 1998.
1. Crowbar - Half Life series

Yep, here it is. The most badass, iconic and memorable weapon in video game history, Gordon Freeman's crowbar. Whether you are man, machine, creature or wooden crate, none can escape the fury and awesomeness of this modern-day Excalibur. Extremely satisfying when used to perform carpentry on someone's face, and equally good to use when trying to get into a ventilation system.

More Top10 coming up next week!


Anonymous said...

I do love the Keyblade!!

Anonymous said...

My fav: Jedi Knight series Lightsaber with dismemberment turned on !

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