Sunday 20 January 2013

[News] Goodbye DualShock controller?

A PlayStation 4 controller concept
Rumours are afoot that Sony is going to abandon their familiar DualShock controller design for the PlayStation 4 (codenamed 'Orbis'). Sources have claimed that the newer controller will focus on biometrics and touchscreen, instead of the dual analog sticks that have been a part of Sony consoles ever since PlayStation One.

The immediate inference to be drawn would be that Sony is trying to emulate the user interface of the PS Vita. However, it would be pretty hard to imagine Sony discontinuing DualShock controllers completely, seeing that they have been the standard for PlayStation gamers for the last 16 years.

To be fair, the design does feel a little dated, considering the constant innovation that competitor console brands have churned out over the last few years. There are talks of the newer controller accommodating a touchscreen, and even having biometric sensors on its grips. Keeping all that in mind, you can be assured that a new controller won't come cheap.

However, this is all speculation and hearsay. We will have to wait and see when Sony decides it is ready to unveil it's latest generation of video game consoles.


Anonymous said...

This seems pretty interesting. Good thing they decided to add some real triggers in the end that are fishtailed and not the other way round so you would slip if you happen to have sweaty fingers

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