Sunday 20 January 2013

[Wallpaper] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Every week, I will post a wallpaper pertaining to current news, upcoming releases or anniversaries.

This week's wallpaper, depicting Raiden from the Metal Gear series comes exactly a month ahead of the latest installment's release. Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance has been a long awaited title for years now, and fans are anxiously waiting to see if the paradigm shift from the series' classic sneaking style to a slice-n-dice rampage as shown in trailers will be a deal breaker.

Source :
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance releases February 19, 2013 for the PS3 and Xbox 360.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this game and to slice and dice -_everything_ lol

Anonymous said...

I heard the graphic's in this metal gear is better than all of the other ones put together. nice review mate

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